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The International Romani Guild is a non-profit, internet based, organisation, joining together Romani (Gypsy) people from throughout the world, that have the desire and intent to work toward the advancement of our Romani (Gypsy) people in whatever part of the world they may live.




The term 'Romani', (set as Romany in English dictionaries), is used here, by the International Romani Guild, as an all-embracing term to include groups and individuals of the three Nation-Tribes, and their several sub-groupings.


The three Nation-Tribes are known, individually, as "The Roma", "The Sinti", and "The Calé". The spelling of these names may vary slightly... e.g. "Roma" is sometimes set as "Rroma", "Sinti" as "Cinti", and, "Calé" as "Kalé".


For a variety of reasons, most of them exploitive, some academics and politicians are increasingly promoting the use of "Roma" as a generic reference to ALL of Romani descent, even though they may be "Sinti" or "Calé". Such misuse is not only ethnically incorrect, but may well be highly offensive to anyone of Romani descent that is not of the "Roma".


Such misuse can be compared to the incorrect address of, for instance, a Scotsman as "English", whereas the term "British" might be perfectly acceptable to the Scot?


A wider example of such potentially offensive, (Certainly incorrect?) styling, might well be indicated when considering the feelings of, e.g., a German, being referred to as, "French", "Italian", or "Irish", and so on, whereas, there can be no offence or disrespect in referring to such person as "European".


In summary, it may be said that;


"Whilst all Roma are Romani, not all Romani are Roma!"


There will be, of course, some that would argue, "But what's in a name?"


They might even cite Shakespeare's famous line; "A rose, by any other name would smell as sweet!", to indicate that whatever name the Romani People are known by can make no real difference to the abysmal conditions that so many of Amare Fohki are forced to endure?


Such attitude is naïve, to say the least, and is in line with the covert attempts, within academic and political circles, to confuse the issue of names for exploitive purposes. The primary aim of such, 'tactics of confusion', is to avoid accusations of any breaching, by them, of human rights conventions and agreements.


The aforementioned 'tactics of confusion' are clearly demonstrated, and perhaps more easily understood, when we look at the following covert, ploy, pursued by governmental authorities in the United Kingdom, over recent decades?


A very important point to understand is that, correctly speaking, all Gypsies are Romani, and all Romani are Gypsies! This is despite the fact that there has, for some time, (again for exploitive reasons), been a strong, (We would argue, 'Deliberate'?), campaign, to confuse the issue, regarding the meaning of "Gypsy".


Historically, in the English language, "Gypsy" has been/is synonymous with "Romany", (The Anglicised setting of 'Romani'), as can be determined by a glance at any worthwhile English dictionary.


Notwithstanding the aforementioned 'dictionary proof', during post-war years, (WWII), 'Officialdom' has made serious efforts to widen the meaning of "Gypsy", so as to include any individual or group that tends to follow an itinerant lifestyle, and even to exclude from such nomenclature, those Romany, (A huge majority), that have taken to a 'settled' lifestyle. As exampled in the landmark, 'Ruling' by their Lordships of the Appeals Court, "Gypsies" are clearly recognised as a distinct ethnic-group and, thereby, afforded the protections due as such, under Race-Relations legislation.


Although there may be a number of Romani that take exception to the term "Gypsy", (and its equivalents in other Gohja languages), especially among the more gullible of our people that allow themselves to be led by the nose, as it were, by Gohja academics and self-styled "Experts", a majority among us take little or no offence at being styled "Gypsy" when English, or any language other than Romanes, is being used. Indeed, there are many among us, particularly those of us that are Romanichal, who are accustomed to using the style "Gypsy" in self-ascription.


In the event that we, the Romani People, should suffer, without protest, the covert attempts by Gohja politicians and their ilk, to change the definition of the term "Gypsy", so that it refers to a way of life, rather than to a specific ethnic group, then we shall be making it possible for Gohja authorities to formulate disadvantageous legislation toward us, with little or no fear of their being called to account for breaching the human rights of the subject people. In simple terms, because, (As would be claimed?), "Gypsies" do not constitute an ethnic group, ergo, there can be no charge of ethnic or racial discrimination?


The situation is rather similar, (And the likely effects as bad?), with the attempts to promote the use of "Roma" as an all-embracing, generic term for "The Romani", and disregarding the fact that the subject people may be "Roma", "Sinti", or "Calé"?


Already, when the atrocities of Germany's, "Third Reich", under the leadership of Adolf Hitler, are discussed, it would appear that "The Sinti" were not involved, and only "The Roma" were among the million and more 'Gypsies' exterminated and tortured in such callous and inhumane fashion?


Politicians and academics are not alone in their efforts to see the adoption of "Roma" as a generic term for all Romani, there is widespread support for this move, from the ranks of Le Roma themselves. Their 'Baros' and 'Kings', (Largely self-styled?), have much to gain from the success of this ploy. Many millions of Euros, from the coffers of the EEC, and other sources, have already been expended, supposedly for the advancement of the "Roma", but, so far as is possible to determine, (under the cloaks of those in receipt of such huge sums of public money), little has been done that actually improves the circumstances of the less fortunate Romani People. Mind you, a better quality of Mercedes is now being driven by, and marks the much-improved position of many a Roma Baro or King?


The Sinti and the Calé, meanwhile, appear to have been left behind and have missed the gravy-train of EEC funding, but then... They are NOT Roma?


Here in the UK, where the Romani are, (apart from a few Roma,), known as "Romanichals", being primarily of Sinti stock, with a strong admixture of Calé, there is a growing tendency, especially among those that belong to Gohja influenced, "support groups", to style themselves as "Roma", in line with the dogmatic teachings and influence of Gohja academics. Please...; let it be clear... They are NOT "Roma" and, (despite what the Gohja experts might say to them), they can never be "Roma"... Remember that bit about...


"Honour Thy Father and Thy Mother"?


Amare Devel amensa!


Tom O


"Pativepe le Gohja si Chumdipe le Sap!"

Copyright 2005, International Romani Guild